Kamis, 23 April 2009


For Term 3, I have accomplished many things. Such as playing my musical instruments and practising the major scales. It was all pretty boring this term. Although we made some music for the assesment. Mine was titled Life. It was about life, how it is and how painful it can be.

For the violin class, I played the Long Long Ago Variation song(NO.4 IN SUZUKI). It was an easy and joyful song. I also played another song. Such as Waltz. One time Mr Sadrakh was absent and we played games inside the violin class. I think violin class is the best instrument class because we like to joke around and not to serious in studying.

For the music theory, it was pretty hard for me because I can't do the major scales. Although the teacher was very kind. The teacher was Mr John. Mr John taught me many things. It was a great subject.

Music was pretty average for me this term. Maybe next term will be better.

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